Well, I can safely say my photography preparations for the upcoming 2011 MCAS Miramar Air Show are pretty much completed. The excitement continues to build as the show days creep closer and closer. Whenever I travel to one of these shows, I almost feel like a traveling Big Top circus with all the equipment I'm dragging along. Close to 30-35 lbs. of camera gear, a laptop, battery chargers, and all the necessary equipment to transfer and back-up photos on the computer at the end of the day all comes with me.
Another thing I did was "clean up" my computer. No...not like that, you filthy-minded people...sheesh. I mean dumping games that I never use, putting random old photos I took with my old point-and-shoot onto a thumb drive so I could get them off my computer, and basically freeing up some memory to try and speed the machine up a bit. Talk about an exercise in patience. I'm by no means computer-inclined, making this an interesting experience to say the least. The only thing I have left to do is install the newest version of my photo-editing software onto my laptop, and I'll call it finished.
Well, all that's left to do is pray to the air show weather gods that the weather cooperates, and hope the show goes off without a hitch for all involved, and for James to come home with a couple hundred photos that will make everybody say "WOW"!
Adios for now...and see ya at MCAS Miramar, ladies and gents!
James :-)
PS For those of you who didn't notice on the side of the page (because it kinda blends in a little bit, if you ask me), I put links to my previous albums that have been archived here, so you don't have to go hunting for them in my past entries. Also, I'm on Facebook, so feel free to "LIKE" me (yeah I know, who doesn't "LIKE" me? heh heh :p ) there if you so desire. There's a link on the side of the page for that, too.