19 April 2014

Atlas V 401 DMSP F-19


On 3 April 2014, an Atlas V rocket flying in the 401 configuration successfully launched the Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) F-19 payload into polar orbit from SLC-3E at Vandenberg Air Force Base. It appeared marine layer would be an issue for photography, as a wispy fog bank moved in about 10 minutes before T-0, but it hung low enough to just obscure liftoff. Still, these photos are proof that Vandenberg's famous marine layer really does hate me. Anyway, hope everbody enjoys the photos!
James :-)

18 April 2014

More LAX Spotting

Spent some time at LAX back in December of 2012 doing some spotting. These are shots from Imperial Hill and the famous (well famous to aviation buffs, anyway) In-N-Out Burger on Sepulveda Blvd. right under the approach to runway 24R. Scratched an A380 off my "must shoot" list, and Air New Zealand's "Air Hobbit" showed up as well, which was a nice surprise. Enjoy the photos!

James :-)